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Advanced parameters for Aiven for Apache Flink®

Below you can find a summary of every configuration option available for Aiven for Apache Flink® service:


Title: IP filter

Description: Allow incoming connections from CIDR address block, e.g. ''

Type: array


Title: Service logging

Description: Store logs for the service so that they are available in the HTTP API and console.

Type: boolean,null


Title: Static IP addresses

Description: Use static public IP addresses

Type: boolean

Title: Flink major version

Type: string,null


Title: Flink taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots

Description: Task slots per node. For a 3 node plan, total number of task slots is 3x this value

Type: integer

Title: Allow access to selected service components through Privatelink

Type: object

Title: Enable flink

Type: boolean


Title: Enable prometheus

Type: boolean