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Use PostgreSQL® Provider to configure Aiven for PostgreSQL services

Use the PostgreSQL Provider for Terraform to configure settings such as default privileges, publication, or to reuse a submodule between different vendors.

You can create an Aiven for PostgreSQL® service with the Aiven Provider for Terraform and configure it with the PostgreSQL Provider.

  1. Add the PostgreSQL Provider and Aiven Provider to the required_providers block:

    terraform {
    required_providers {
    aiven = {
    source = "aiven/aiven"
    version = ">=4.0.0, < 5.0.0"
    postgresql = {
    source = "cyrilgdn/postgresql"
    version = "1.16.0"
  2. Set the service connection attributes in the provider block:

    # Create the Aiven service
    resource "aiven_pg" "example_pg" {
    project = "example-project"
    cloud_name = "google-asia-southeast1"
    plan = "business-8"
    service_name = "example-pg"
    termination_protection = true

    # Configure the PostgreSQL Provider by referencing the Aiven service resource
    provider "postgresql" {
    host = aiven_pg.example_pg.service_host
    port = aiven_pg.example_pg.service_port
    database =
    username = aiven_pg.example_pg.service_username
    password = aiven_pg.example_pg.service_password
    sslmode = "require"
    connect_timeout = 15
  3. Create a PostgreSQL role using the Terraform resource postgresql_role.my_role:

    resource "postgresql_role" "example_role" {
    name = "example-role"