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Advanced parameters for Aiven for OpenSearch®

Below you can find a summary of every configuration option available for Aiven for OpenSearch® service:


Title: Additional Cloud Regions for Backup Replication

Type: array


Title: OpenSearch major version

Type: string,null


Title: Disable replication factor adjustment

Description: DEPRECATED: Disable automatic replication factor adjustment for multi-node services. By default, Aiven ensures all indexes are replicated at least to two nodes. Note: Due to potential data loss in case of losing a service node, this setting can no longer be activated.

Type: boolean,null


Title: Custom domain

Description: Serve the web frontend using a custom CNAME pointing to the Aiven DNS name

Type: string,null


Title: IP filter

Description: Allow incoming connections from CIDR address block, e.g. ''

Type: array


Title: Service logging

Description: Store logs for the service so that they are available in the HTTP API and console.

Type: boolean,null


Title: Static IP addresses

Description: Use static public IP addresses

Type: boolean


Title: OpenSearch SAML configuration

Type: object


Title: Enable or disable OpenSearch SAML authentication

Description: Enables or disables SAML-based authentication for OpenSearch. When enabled, users can authenticate using SAML with an Identity Provider.

Type: boolean


Title: Identity Provider (IdP) SAML metadata URL

Description: The URL of the SAML metadata for the Identity Provider (IdP). This is used to configure SAML-based authentication with the IdP.

Type: string


Title: Identity Provider Entity ID

Description: The unique identifier for the Identity Provider (IdP) entity that is used for SAML authentication. This value is typically provided by the IdP.

Type: string


Title: Service Provider Entity ID

Description: The unique identifier for the Service Provider (SP) entity that is used for SAML authentication. This value is typically provided by the SP.

Type: string


Title: SAML response subject attribute

Description: Optional. Specifies the attribute in the SAML response where the subject identifier is stored. If not configured, the NameID attribute is used by default.

Type: string,null


Title: SAML response role attribute

Description: Optional. Specifies the attribute in the SAML response where role information is stored, if available. Role attributes are not required for SAML authentication, but can be included in SAML assertions by most Identity Providers (IdPs) to determine user access levels or permissions.

Type: string,null


Title: PEM-encoded root CA Content for SAML IdP server verification

Description: This parameter specifies the PEM-encoded root certificate authority (CA) content for the SAML identity provider (IdP) server verification. The root CA content is used to verify the SSL/TLS certificate presented by the server.

Type: string,null


Title: OpenSearch OpenID Connect Configuration

Type: object


Title: Enable or disable OpenSearch OpenID Connect authentication

Description: Enables or disables OpenID Connect authentication for OpenSearch. When enabled, users can authenticate using OpenID Connect with an Identity Provider.

Type: boolean


Title: OpenID Connect metadata/configuration URL

Description: The URL of your IdP where the Security plugin can find the OpenID Connect metadata/configuration settings.

Type: string


Title: The key in the JSON payload that stores the user’s roles

Description: The key in the JSON payload that stores the user’s roles. The value of this key must be a comma-separated list of roles. Required only if you want to use roles in the JWT

Type: string,null


Title: The key in the JSON payload that stores the user’s name

Description: The key in the JSON payload that stores the user’s name. If not defined, the subject registered claim is used. Most IdP providers use the preferred_username claim. Optional.

Type: string,null


Title: The HTTP header that stores the token

Description: The HTTP header that stores the token. Typically the Authorization header with the Bearer schema: Authorization: Bearer <token>. Optional. Default is Authorization.

Type: string,null


Title: URL JWT token.

Description: If the token is not transmitted in the HTTP header, but as an URL parameter, define the name of the parameter here. Optional.

Type: string,null


Title: The maximum number of unknown key IDs in the time frame

Description: The maximum number of unknown key IDs in the time frame. Default is 10. Optional.

Type: integer,null


Title: The time frame to use when checking the maximum number of unknown key IDs, in milliseconds

Description: The time frame to use when checking the maximum number of unknown key IDs, in milliseconds. Optional.Default is 10000 (10 seconds).

Type: integer,null


Title: The ID of the OpenID Connect client

Description: The ID of the OpenID Connect client configured in your IdP. Required.

Type: string


Title: The client secret of the OpenID Connect

Description: The client secret of the OpenID Connect client configured in your IdP. Required.

Type: string


Title: The scope of the identity token issued by the IdP

Description: The scope of the identity token issued by the IdP. Optional. Default is openid profile email address phone.

Type: string

Title: HTTP header name of the JWT token

Description: HTTP header name of the JWT token. Optional. Default is Authorization.

Type: string


Title: Index patterns

Type: array


Title: Maximum index count

Description: DEPRECATED: use index_patterns instead

Type: integer


Title: Don't reset index.refresh_interval to the default value

Description: Aiven automation resets index.refresh_interval to default value for every index to be sure that indices are always visible to search. If it doesn't fit your case, you can disable this by setting up this flag to true.

Type: boolean


Title: OpenSearch Dashboards settings

Type: object


Title: Enable or disable OpenSearch Dashboards

Type: boolean


Title: max_old_space_size

Description: Limits the maximum amount of memory (in MiB) the OpenSearch Dashboards process can use. This sets the max_old_space_size option of the nodejs running the OpenSearch Dashboards. Note: the memory reserved by OpenSearch Dashboards is not available for OpenSearch.

Type: integer


Title: Timeout in milliseconds for requests made by OpenSearch Dashboards towards OpenSearch

Type: integer


Title: OpenSearch settings

Type: object


Title: reindex_remote_whitelist

Description: Whitelisted addresses for reindexing. Changing this value will cause all OpenSearch instances to restart.

Type: array,null


Title: http.max_content_length

Description: Maximum content length for HTTP requests to the OpenSearch HTTP API, in bytes.

Type: integer


Title: http.max_header_size

Description: The max size of allowed headers, in bytes

Type: integer


Title: http.max_initial_line_length

Description: The max length of an HTTP URL, in bytes

Type: integer


Title: indices.query.bool.max_clause_count

Description: Maximum number of clauses Lucene BooleanQuery can have. The default value (1024) is relatively high, and increasing it may cause performance issues. Investigate other approaches first before increasing this value.

Type: integer


Title: search.max_buckets

Description: Maximum number of aggregation buckets allowed in a single response. OpenSearch default value is used when this is not defined.

Type: integer,null


Title: indices.fielddata.cache.size

Description: Relative amount. Maximum amount of heap memory used for field data cache. This is an expert setting; decreasing the value too much will increase overhead of loading field data; too much memory used for field data cache will decrease amount of heap available for other operations.

Type: integer,null


Title: indices.memory.index_buffer_size

Description: Percentage value. Default is 10%. Total amount of heap used for indexing buffer, before writing segments to disk. This is an expert setting. Too low value will slow down indexing; too high value will increase indexing performance but causes performance issues for query performance.

Type: integer


Title: indices.memory.min_index_buffer_size

Description: Absolute value. Default is 48mb. Doesn't work without indices.memory.index_buffer_size. Minimum amount of heap used for query cache, an absolute indices.memory.index_buffer_size minimal hard limit.

Type: integer


Title: indices.memory.max_index_buffer_size

Description: Absolute value. Default is unbound. Doesn't work without indices.memory.index_buffer_size. Maximum amount of heap used for query cache, an absolute indices.memory.index_buffer_size maximum hard limit.

Type: integer


Title: indices.queries.cache.size

Description: Percentage value. Default is 10%. Maximum amount of heap used for query cache. This is an expert setting. Too low value will decrease query performance and increase performance for other operations; too high value will cause issues with other OpenSearch functionality.

Type: integer


Title: indices.recovery.max_bytes_per_sec

Description: Limits total inbound and outbound recovery traffic for each node. Applies to both peer recoveries as well as snapshot recoveries (i.e., restores from a snapshot). Defaults to 40mb

Type: integer


Title: indices.recovery.max_concurrent_file_chunks

Description: Number of file chunks sent in parallel for each recovery. Defaults to 2.

Type: integer


Title: action.auto_create_index

Description: Explicitly allow or block automatic creation of indices. Defaults to true

Type: boolean


Title: plugins.alerting.filter_by_backend_roles

Description: Enable or disable filtering of alerting by backend roles. Requires Security plugin. Defaults to false

Type: boolean


Title: Opensearch Security Plugin Settings

Type: object


Title: Enable/Disable security audit

Type: boolean


Title: search thread pool size

Description: Size for the thread pool. See documentation for exact details. Do note this may have maximum value depending on CPU count - value is automatically lowered if set to higher than maximum value.

Type: integer


Title: search_throttled thread pool size

Description: Size for the thread pool. See documentation for exact details. Do note this may have maximum value depending on CPU count - value is automatically lowered if set to higher than maximum value.

Type: integer


Title: get thread pool size

Description: Size for the thread pool. See documentation for exact details. Do note this may have maximum value depending on CPU count - value is automatically lowered if set to higher than maximum value.

Type: integer


Title: analyze thread pool size

Description: Size for the thread pool. See documentation for exact details. Do note this may have maximum value depending on CPU count - value is automatically lowered if set to higher than maximum value.

Type: integer


Title: write thread pool size

Description: Size for the thread pool. See documentation for exact details. Do note this may have maximum value depending on CPU count - value is automatically lowered if set to higher than maximum value.

Type: integer


Title: force_merge thread pool size

Description: Size for the thread pool. See documentation for exact details. Do note this may have maximum value depending on CPU count - value is automatically lowered if set to higher than maximum value.

Type: integer


Title: search thread pool queue size

Description: Size for the thread pool queue. See documentation for exact details.

Type: integer


Title: search_throttled thread pool queue size

Description: Size for the thread pool queue. See documentation for exact details.

Type: integer


Title: get thread pool queue size

Description: Size for the thread pool queue. See documentation for exact details.

Type: integer


Title: analyze thread pool queue size

Description: Size for the thread pool queue. See documentation for exact details.

Type: integer


Title: write thread pool queue size

Description: Size for the thread pool queue. See documentation for exact details.

Type: integer


Title: Require explicit index names when deleting

Type: boolean,null


Title: cluster.max_shards_per_node

Description: Controls the number of shards allowed in the cluster per data node

Type: integer


Title: compatibility.override_main_response_version

Description: Compatibility mode sets OpenSearch to report its version as 7.10 so clients continue to work. Default is false

Type: boolean


Title: Script max compilation rate - circuit breaker to prevent/minimize OOMs

Description: Script compilation circuit breaker limits the number of inline script compilations within a period of time. Default is use-context

Type: string


Title: Concurrent incoming/outgoing shard recoveries per node

Description: How many concurrent incoming/outgoing shard recoveries (normally replicas) are allowed to happen on a node. Defaults to 2.

Type: integer


Title: Sender name placeholder to be used in Opensearch Dashboards and Opensearch keystore

Description: This should be identical to the Sender name defined in Opensearch dashboards

Type: string


Title: Sender username for Opensearch alerts

Type: string


Title: Sender password for Opensearch alerts to authenticate with SMTP server

Description: Sender password for Opensearch alerts to authenticate with SMTP server

Type: string


Title: Specifies whether ISM is enabled or not

Type: boolean


Title: Specifies whether audit history is enabled or not. The logs from ISM are automatically indexed to a logs document.

Type: boolean


Title: The maximum age before rolling over the audit history index in hours

Type: integer


Title: The maximum number of documents before rolling over the audit history index.

Type: integer


Title: The time between rollover checks for the audit history index in hours.

Type: integer


Title: How long audit history indices are kept in days.

Type: integer


Title: Template settings for all new indexes

Type: object


Title: index.mapping.nested_objects.limit

Description: The maximum number of nested JSON objects that a single document can contain across all nested types. This limit helps to prevent out of memory errors when a document contains too many nested objects. Default is 10000.

Type: integer,null


Title: index.number_of_shards

Description: The number of primary shards that an index should have.

Type: integer,null


Title: index.number_of_replicas

Description: The number of replicas each primary shard has.

Type: integer,null


Title: Allow access to selected service ports from private networks

Type: object


Title: Allow clients to connect to opensearch with a DNS name that always resolves to the service's private IP addresses. Only available in certain network locations

Type: boolean


Title: Allow clients to connect to opensearch_dashboards with a DNS name that always resolves to the service's private IP addresses. Only available in certain network locations

Type: boolean


Title: Allow clients to connect to prometheus with a DNS name that always resolves to the service's private IP addresses. Only available in certain network locations

Type: boolean

Title: Allow access to selected service components through Privatelink

Type: object


Title: Enable opensearch

Type: boolean


Title: Enable opensearch_dashboards

Type: boolean


Title: Enable prometheus

Type: boolean


Title: Allow access to selected service ports from the public Internet

Type: object


Title: Allow clients to connect to opensearch from the public internet for service nodes that are in a project VPC or another type of private network

Type: boolean


Title: Allow clients to connect to opensearch_dashboards from the public internet for service nodes that are in a project VPC or another type of private network

Type: boolean


Title: Allow clients to connect to prometheus from the public internet for service nodes that are in a project VPC or another type of private network

Type: boolean


Title: Name of the basebackup to restore in forked service

Type: string


Title: Name of another service to fork from. This has effect only when a new service is being created.

Type: string,null


Title: Name of another project to fork a service from. This has effect only when a new service is being created.

Type: string,null